Marketing 101: How an infomercial got me to buy

I confess. I purchased a flameless candle from a television shopping network.

It was a big day when the package arrived. I wasted no time unwrapping the candle, plus the two extra candles I got free-- just additional shipping. I switched on the flameless wonder. That’s when it hit me—what kind of marketing strategy prompted me to pay for a fake flame?

Let's talk about what the infomercial marketing people did right to brand and sell their products.

It’s about benefits, not features.
The infomercial didn’t focus on the plastic candle. They may have mentioned the hours of illumination--I can’t recall. What I do remember is the announcer and her side kick helping me envision the ambiance of candlelight dinners, or wintery nights lit by the warm glow of these candles. The quickest way to have people lose interest is to get too technical. The best way to keep their interest is help them envision what life if they buy your product or support your cause.
Testimonials and case studies.
A happy customer called into the infomercial show to tell us that guests always remark how beautiful her house is with a flameless candle conveniently lit in every room. There is a trust factor when others comment favorably about your product or service. A customer who I never met had me convinced that people would like my home more with a flameless candle in it.
Solve a problem.
This is what got me from being somewhat interested in the candle to pulling out my credit card. The television host looked into the camera and asked me and thousands of other viewers if keeping our pets safe was important to us. Did you know that with a real flame you run the risk of catching your dog or cat on fire? Actually, I’m aware of this, but that’s another story. The flameless candle seemed like a really good solution to this potential (or in my case real) crisis. What problems does your business or organization help solve?
Infomercials get it.  They repeat the message in six different scenarios seven days a week. This is a copywriter and marketing person’s mantra.  You may be tired of repeating your message, but it takes several repetitions for you to even get on your target markets’ radar screens.
Call to action.
Here’s where infomercials shine. If you act within the next hour, they’ll throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Their final thoughts aren’t about “hoping you will consider”, or “we look forward to hearing from you.” They clearly articulate what youneed to do next. Subtlety is a poor attribute in a call to action. If your message is respectful, consistent and resonates with your audience, a solid call to action is very appropriate. Just make sure you can deliver on your promise.

Alas, this is where the flameless candle people made a poor judgment call. They assured me their product has the look and feel of a real one. In my opinion, this was a promise that they couldn’t deliver. Their candle can’t hold a flame to the real thing. I still have it on a shelf in my den. And I make it a point to turn it on for guests and tell them how unhappy I am. Then I switch it off and light a candle. My pets will just have to deal with it.