
It's the point where strategy and creativity meet to inspire people and impact the bottom line.

"While we originally contracted with Canter Consulting for grant writing services, Marianne has delivered so much more. CWA is very appreciative of her collaborative and strategic approach to fund development." 
Donna Niccolai-Weber, Capitol West Academy

It takes  the vision of a strategist, the passion of a story teller and the methodology of a scientist to bring corporate and nonprofit touch points to life. Marianne Canter delivers all three as she helps organizations find their unique and unified voice. We call this strategically-aligned planning and service delivery. You'll call it a great investment.

With more than three decades of experience in the fast-paced, competitive worlds of marketing communications, fund development, strategic planning and board governance, Marianne has spent years on the front lines of non-profits as they move through changing environments. The depth and breadth of her experience, augmented with strong consensus-building and interpersonal skills, serve as a competitive advantage to local, national and international organizations and corporations.

At Canter Consulting we partner with you to inspire action.

Fund Development
   Grant Writing 
   Board and Leadership Development
   Positioning in Philanthropic Marketplace
Brand/Corporate Identity
Integrated Marketing Communications
Strategic and Social Enterprise Development

Let's talk about taking your organization further.